Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan: 4th Grade Language Arts


Students will produce a narrative about a personal experience, with a focus on the trait of organization. The text should have an inviting introduction and satisfying conclusion.

Main Curriculum Tie:
English Language Arts Grade 4 Writing Standard 3
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.


Teacher Materials:

  • Books dealing with imaginative experiences (Roald Dahl collection)

  • The BFG

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • The Witches

Instructional Procedures:

  1. Read one or several of the suggested titles and model, thinking aloud. Pause throughout the reading to model personal thinking about similar experiences. Invite students to make connections als
  2. Model writing a best or worst experience by filling in experiences.
  3. Show students the writing prompt for this lesson.
  4. Give students time to draft their stories.
  5. Craft story leads and conclusions by sharing both good and poor examples. Have students write two new leads and conclusions for their stories and then pick their favorite.
  6. Give students time to revise and edit.

Writing Prompt:

We all have good and bad days. Think of a time you had a really good or bad day. Think about what happened, how you felt, and why you still remember it. Write about your experience using descriptive language.

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